NC State
Huiling Ding

My grant proposals mostly deal with AI risk communication, AI and workforce development, outbreak communication, health risk communication, research ethics, and epidemic control. I have been working more closely on interdisciplinary projects that focus on artificial intelligence, writing/communication, and ethics in the last few years. One of my favorite projects for graduate seminars is mock NIH or NSF grant proposals.

Federal & National Grants


Principal Investigator, NSF Science of Organizations grant. $600,000. Pending

  • Project title: ACT (Agile Cross-industry Transfer): Cultivating Career Agility for Individuals and Organizations through Transportable Skills and Lifelong Learning.
  • Co-PI from Rosen College of Hospitality Management at University of Central Florida.


Faculty participant, Responsible Artificial Intelligence Curriculum Design, National Humanities Center, June 2022.

Principal Investigator, NSF Convergence Acceleration Grant, $985,485, NC State University, September 2019-May 2020.
Project title: Developing Intelligent Technologies for Workforce Empowerment: Credential Gap Diagnostics and Personalized Recommenders for Jobs and Retraining. Public abstract here

Press release here 

Project website here

Summer Resident, National Humanities Center, $3,000, NCSU, June 4 – 29, 2018


Not Funded

Co-PI, NSF Convergence Accelerator Phase I RAPID Grant, Track B: AI and Future Jobs. 2020. $138,061.

  • Project title: WINWORK: Bridging the Gap between Traditional Workers and Online Jobs to Mitigate Impact of COVID-19.
  • PI, Xipeng Shen (Professor of Computer Science, NC State University).

Principal Investigator. NSF RAPID Grant. 2020. $ 176,340.

  • Project title: Transnational Epidemic Communication, Irrational Health Beliefs, and Smart Crowdsourcing on Risk Management of COVID-19: A Multi-Disciplinary, Multi-Channel Approach in Risk Control and Public Education.

Thrust lead, Public Engagement and Education. NSF Science & Technology Centers (STC): Integrative Partnerships. 2021.

  • Preproposal: Ethics and Safety of Systems of Autonomous, Intelligent Agents in Society.
  • Munindar P. Singh, Professor of Computer Science, NC State University.

Nominee of NC State University. Andrew Carnegie Fellowship. 2017. $200,000

  • Project title: Cross-culturally narrating the potential and perils of artificial intelligence: Competing imaginaries and shared interests of the U.S. and China

Principal Investigator. NIH G13. National Library of Medicine Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health. $ 150,000. 2015, revised and resubmitted in 2016.

  • Project title: Negotiating Quarantines: Cultures, Body Politics, and Public Participation in Bubonic Plague and SARS.

Principal Investigator. NSF Ethics Education in Science and Engineering. 2013. $299,993.

  • Project title: Multinational authors, technology, and research and publishing ethics: New Challenges for Ethics Education in Science and Engineering.
  • Co-PIs.: Ferric C. Fang, M.D., University of Washington School of Medicine; David Ding, Assistant Professor, Business School, Rutgers University.

Principal Investigator. Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). 2013. $1,500.

  • Project title: Migrating technical and professional writing to MOOC? An ethnographical study of pedagogical practices and challenges

Principal Investigator. Charles Ryskamp Fellowship. American Council of Learned Societies. 2011. $64,000.

  • Project title: American Medical Missionaries, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and China’s Modernization Drive in the early 1900s.

Nominee of Clemson University. Summer Stipends, National Endowment for the Humanities. 2009. $6,000.

  • Project title: Transcultural Risk Management of and Communication about Global Epidemics: SARS and the Swine Flu.


Regional grants


Grant EdWordle ImageInternational Travel Grants to build 3+2 partnerships between MSTC and Nanjing Normal University (NNU), Zhejiang University (ZJU), Jiangnan University, and Chongqing Post and Telecommunications University (CQUPT)

    • CHASS, $600; International Affairs, $2,500, 2017 (NNU and ZJU)
    • CHASS, $850; Graduate School, $1,250; International Affairs, $1,500, 2016 (NNU)
    • CHASS, 600; Graduate School, $1,250; Global Engagement Grant, Office of International Affairs; $1,000; 2018 (CQPTU; recruiting at NNU and ZJU

Travel grant from Sosower Memorial Fund, $1,350; CHASS, NCSU, 2016.

Faculty sponsor of CHASS Undergraduate Research Grant, $1,500; NCSU Undergraduate Research Grants, $ 1,000 and $900; and CHASS Undergraduate Research Travel Grant, $1,500; NCSU. 2013-2014

URGC Project Completion Grant, $3,000. Clemson University. 2011

AAH College Research Grant, $3,000. Clemson University, 2010-2011

AAH College Research Grant, $2,500. Clemson University, 2008-2009

English Department Summer Research Fellowship, $5,000. Clemson University. 2008

Year-long Purdue Research Fund (PRF), $35,365, Purdue University, 2006-2007

Purdue Graduate Student Government (PGSG) Travel Grant, $250, 2006

Purdue Graduate School Strategic Initiative Fellowship $42,124, 2005-2006

Purdue Graduate School Special Initiative Fellowship $35,365, 2004-2005

Purdue English Department Travel Grant, $200, 2003-2004

Northern Illinois University Alumni Travel Grant, $250, 2001